The South Florida Surface Design Association, Inc. is a duly incorporated, not-for-profit organization incorporated in the State of Florida.
BY-LAWS : Adopted October 24, 2024
The name of this organization shall be South Florida Surface Design Association, Inc.
The purpose of this organization is to serve the art interests in the community, to bring artists together at frequent intervals and provide education to the community, thereby exemplifying the highest standards in the exhibition of works of art in South Florida, to promote awareness and appreciation of textile inspired art and design through member supported events
To promote South Florida as a center of art through community outreach
To provide arts exposure and education for the South Florida community
To develop a sense of shared community and support among artists
To foster the concept that success for one artist benefits all artists
To help elevate and educate member artists with workshops and assistance in technology, and writing skills for entries into juried exhibits in order to enhance their professional development
Section 1. Qualifications
A. The artist members of this organization shall:
1. Be engaged professionally in the visual arts and have training and competence in the visual arts.
B. Agree to the principles of the Association.
C. All members are required to participate in at least one exhibit per year. Members who do not meet this requirement will not be eligible to renew their membership. This requirement can be waived by contributing an additional minimum of 10 volunteer hours. (Total of 20).
D. Members who do not contribute at least 10 volunteer hours per year will not be eligible to renew their membership.
Section 2. Classifications
The classifications of members shall be: Professional Member, Emerging Professional, Student Member and Friend of the Arts. All members must have an interest in and subscribe to the objectives of the South Florida Surface Design Association, Inc. and the qualifications and requirements of membership in the Association. Members, based on their classification, shall have the following rights and responsibilities.
A. Professional Member (working artist)
1. Must have a professional website, Facebook page/social media presence.
2. Art resume must include professional-level juried fine art exhibitions.
3. Work must exhibit a clear understanding of the principles and techniques of excellence in their chosen medium.
4. Shall participate actively and serve on Committees.
5. Shall pay Application Fee and dues.
6. May vote, hold office, and exhibit in any exhibit.
7. May be required to be a member of the Arts Council and/or the Elliott Museum.
B. Emerging Professional Artist
1. Meets all requirements of Professional Artist but may not have as much exhibition experience and may still be in the process of learning the techniques of excellence in their medium.
2. Clearly demonstrates ongoing and regular efforts to further his/her professional career, such as attending classes and workshops, membership in other art organizations, etc.
3. Shall serve on committees.
4. Shall pay Application Fee and dues.
5. May vote and exhibit in designated exhibitions.
6. There will be no more than 25% of the total membership accepted as Emerging Professional Artists.
C. Student Member
1. Is a student under age 25
2. Is nominated by a member of the South Florida Surface Design Association, Inc.
3. Is accepted by the Board of Directors
4. Is not required to pay any dues or fees.
5. Is eligible to participate in the “Spring Trunk Show” each year
6. May not vote, hold office or exhibit except in the case of a designated exhibit.
7. May assist with Committee duties as assigned by a Committee Chair.
D. Friends of the Arts (non-artist)
1. Shall contribute to the financial support of the organization.
2. May not vote (except if a member of the Board of Directors), hold office or exhibit.
3. May be a member of the Board of Directors.
4. Levels of Friends memberships:
a. Friend of the Association - $50/yr
b. Contributor to the Association - $100/yr
c. Sponsor of the Association - $200/yr
d. Patron of the Association - $500/yr
e. Benefactor of the Association -
Section 3. Good Standing
A member in good standing is one whose current dues are paid and who complies with the provisions set forth in these bylaws.
Section 4. Resignation, Removal and Reinstatement
A. Resignation
Any member whose dues are not in arrears may resign in good standing.
B. Removal
1. Membership will be terminated on December 1 for non-payment of dues.
2. Membership may be terminated at any time by the Board of Directors for failure to comply with requirements such as entry rules and deadlines, etc. There will be two warnings prior to termination upon the third failure to comply.
3. Membership will not be renewed for members who do not contribute a minimum of 10 volunteer hours in the previous calendar year and do not pay the Opt-Out Fee.
C. Reinstatement
A past member must apply as a new member.
Section 1. Officers
A. The officers shall be President, Secretary and Treasurer.
B. Officers shall be elected by the membership at the Annual Membership Meeting.
C. Officers may hold more than one position.
D. An elected Officer should take over one of the more demanding roles within the Association.
E. Officers may not serve for more than four years.
Section 2. Board of Directors
A. The Board of Directors shall include the Officers listed above and other appointed members of the Association and may include interested non-members or Friends of the Arts
B. For a member to be eligible for the Board, they must be serving as a Committee Chair or other demanding position in order to have a good understanding of the operations of the South Florida Surface Design Association, Inc.
C. Board members are not required to be members of the organization but should have an interest in the purpose and objectives of the organization and in the arts community.
D. Officers shall appoint other members of the Board.
Section 1. Communication
Electronic communication shall be allowed.
Section 2. Annual Meetings
A. There shall be a Membership Meeting held annually in October.
B. The purpose of the meeting shall be to receive reports and transact business which may properly come before the membership and to elect officers for the coming year if there are vacancies.
Section 3. Monthly Meetings
A. Monthly meetings of the Association will be conducted by the President.
B. Agenda and programs for the monthly meeting will be arranged by the Program Committee and the Officers.
C. Meetings shall be held on the 3rd Sunday of each month (October – May)
Section 4. Meetings of the Board of Directors and Officers
A. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President or any Board member.
B. The Board of Directors shall meet prior to and following each annual membership meeting and at the call of the President.
C. The Board of Directors may conduct business by any means currently available including electronically. Minutes of such business shall be taken.
D. Officers and Committee Chairs shall meet monthly.
Section 1. Elections
A. Elections will be held at the Annual Membership Meeting.
1. Nominations may be made from the floor.
2. Members may (and are expected to) volunteer as nominees.
3. Nominees must have given prior consent, before the Membership Meeting.
4. Voting will take place at the meeting by members present.
Section 1. Dues
A. Dues are due and payable on October 1 for all renewed members.
B. Dues are delinquent November 1 of the same year.
C. Membership shall be terminated on December 1 for non-payment of dues.
D. All fees and dues will be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. Committees
A. There shall be the following Committees: Marketing, Membership, Volunteer, Fundraising, Exhibits, Events, Programs and Distribution. The Board of Directors may add, change or remove Committees as it deems necessary and appropriate at any time.
B. The chairs of these committees shall be confirmed by the Board of Directors.
C. The committee members shall be appointed by the Committee Chair or may volunteer. The Committee Chair reserves the right to decide which members should be on their committee.
D. Chairs of Committees and all other appointees may be removed or replaced by the Board of Directors without cause.
Section 2. All Committees
A. The Committee Chairs shall notify the President of all meetings and provide the President with a record of any official action taken.
B. Committees may conduct business by any means currently available.
C. A committee report shall be submitted to the Secretary prior to each Officers’ Meeting and the Annual Meeting. Committee Chairs may be asked to attend the Officers’ Meeting.
D. Additional Committees may be appointed by the President.
Section 1. Amendments
These by-laws shall be amended at any time by the Board of Directors by a majority of members present and voting. Members may propose amendments prior to the Annual Meeting. These proposed amendments shall be published to the members prior to the Annual Meeting and voted on at the Meeting. Publication of the proposed amendment may be by any means currently available, including electronically.
A. The South Florida Surface Design Association, Inc. is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
B. The South Florida Surface Design Association, Inc. shall not promote any fundraising which violates Federal, State or local tax law that pertains to tax exempt organizations or interpretations thereof.
C. To protect tax exempt status South Florida Surface Design Association, Inc. shall not engage in political activities of any kind nor contribute funds to other organizations or people except in connection with exhibitions, awards, programs and/or meetings.
If the South Florida Surface Design Association, Inc. is dissolved, all outstanding debts shall be paid and any remaining funds shall be donated to The Arts Foundation for Martin County.